Monday, April 27, 2009

Still love this game : Touhou Project 10.5 Scarlet Weather Rhapsody

東方緋想天 Scarlet Weather Rhapsody

Started to play from last year Jun. And now i still love this game.
Easy, fun, interesting , and the Network Mode that allow people to play with each other on the internet , and , this is TOUHOU~!

But since the limited internet connectivity of the place i am in now,i did not play this game for few month cause can't connect to the AddressUpdater and play with other player.
But i have play about 10 round with the people at AddressUpdater last month when i go back to hometown, and looks like my skill does not decrease very much, just play 2 round than take back the feeling = _ =

Below is my game play record , but should have 350 more round that i did not record(play before i know this software, and many round that i forget to open)

As you see, the Hikouseki (緋行跡) i use is very old version.....

As the record, my main use character is always Youmu~

My card deck~

- 気質発現 X 2
change/end weather, equip 2 card as safety.

- 憑坐の縛 X 4
use as combo, or direct attack.
LV up not only increase the damage, also will increase the penetrate power
Very useful when LV3 or LV4. Especially vs Yuyuko = =

- 人符「現世斬」 X 3
combo, or counter

- 断命剣「冥想斬」 X 4
combo, break defense

- 人鬼「未来永劫斬」 X 4
Youmu most powerful skill, usage same as 現世斬. combo , counter
- 剣伎「桜花閃々」 X 1
break defense and deal damage, but only can works on the player that don't know how to evade. Actually i equip just it for fun....

- 断霊剣「成仏得脱斬」 X 2
great counter skill

Some screenshot of my last few round replay with people on AddressUpdater= =

SWR Tools

- Tenco! 東方緋想天レーティング
Download 緋行跡 Rev.1XXX for game record
緋行跡報告ツール is for report the 緋行跡record, than player will have RATING base on their gaming record.

- AddressUpdater
A place for player put thier host ip, find other host ip, see others player gaming and chatting. But since the game and sotfware is from Japan, of couse almost all of the people is JP. Support Tenco! RATING. Important tools for SWR.

Actually still have other SWR support tools, but no point to list it out here cause of the accesibility of the tools.

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