Some Hisoutensoku system card usage explanation, just in case to the people that dont know what the usage are.
Also list the card is get from which character.
And, Youmu possible to one hit kill ? = _ =
Base of Version 1.02. 霊撃札
Same as the 霊撃 in SWR.
When using will temporary invisible and blow the nearby opponent away.
Get from Reimu.マジックポーション
Magic Potion. Same usage as the 霊力回復 in SWR.
Recover all the Mana and also recover 1 slot of broken Mana guage. Will be cant move at all for a moment when using the card.
Get from Marisa.ストップウォッチ
Stop Watch.
Will tempory stop the time, the player that use the card can freely move around. But only can move around, cant use card and attack when the card still having effect.
Get from Sakuya.白楼剣
Can use this card to cancel the attack and dash. But the Mana guage will decrease to zero.
Get from Youmu.身代わり人形
Increase defense. The card effec will last until the end of the match. And the effect is increase by the number of the same card used.
LV1 : 5%
LV2 : 10%
LV3 : 15%
LV4 : 30%
Get from Alice.
Increse Mana gauge recover speed. The card effect will last until the end of the match. The effect is increse by the number of same card used.
Get from Patchouli特注の日傘
Create a barrier that can guard the opponent bullet for a moment.
Special effect : Remilia can go to the outdoor area by equip this card.
Get from Remilia.人魂灯
Release three ghose that will automatic homing and attack the opponent.
Get from Yuyuko.左扇
When use this card will release a attack that can force guard crash if the opponent guard this hit. But will not deal any damage by hitting opponent by this hit.
Get from Yukari.伊吹瓢
Use this card will gain 2 card slot guage. But can not move when using this card.
Get from Suika.天狗団扇
Increse the speed. The effect will last still the end of the match and the effect will increase by the number of same card used.
Get from Aya.符蝕薬
Release a hit that can destroy opponent 1 card and deal small amount of damage.
Get from Reisen.宵越しの銭
Can use this card when guarding oppenent attack. Will open a small distance between player. This card will not be cost and can use as many times as player want, but will decrease some of the Mana gauge when using this card.
Get from Komachi.龍魚の羽衣
Same as the ガード反撃 in SWR.
When guarding attack, can use this card to cancel guard and blow the opponent away.
Get from Iku.緋想の剣
Same as the 気質発現 in SWR.
End the current weather at very high speed or switch to the current next expecting weather.
Get from Tenshi.病気平癒守
Same as the 体力回復 in SWR.
Recover Hp when using.
Get from Sanae.冷凍カエル
Set a ice floor on the ground, the player(include the player who set it) that step on it will be fall down.
Get from Cirno.龍星
Will having super armor that do not fear for melee attack for a short time.
Get from Meirin.制御棒
Increse attack and decrease defense. The card effect will last still the end of the match and the effect will be increase by the number of the same card used.
Each card attack increse about 10% and defense decrease about 7%. Having more detail information for the attack increase for this card in the end of this post.
Get from Utsuho.三粒の天滴
Use 1 only card itself will not have any effect, but when LV3 (use the third of this card), player will enter invisible mode that can not be harm by any attack for short time.
Get from Suwako.ナマズの大地震
Summon big ナマズ that will deal damage to both of the player.
Get from Nazuma (Meirin story mode last stage boss).
These are all the 21 system card.
And now some damage information for the 制御棒 attack increase that i have test.
Youmu, normal weather, skill LV0.
The LV below is the 制御棒 card using number.
A > A > A > A > A
LV0 : 2044
LV1 : 2243
LV2 : 2442
LV3 : 2638
LV4 : 2836
A > A > A > A > A > 弦月斬B
LV0 : 2477
LV1 : 2716
LV2 : 2955
LV3 : 3190
LV4 : 3427
JA > A > A > A > A > A > 弦月斬B
LV0 : 2750
LV1 : 3014
LV2 : 3276
LV3 : 3537
LV4 : 3796
A > A > A > 6A > 憑坐の縛 > JA > J6A
LV0 : 2604
LV1 : 2856
LV2 : 3104
LV3 : 3352
LV4 : 3600
LV0 : 4903
LV1 : 5371
LV2 : 5834
LV3 : 6292
LV4 : 6748
Just as above, the total damage increase not really is +40% when using 4 card. It depands on the spell and skill and combo, maybe because of the Rate. The damage increse by 4 card is about 37.5 ~ 39.8 %.
But this attack really super already , just only having the side effect that decrease defense for 28% if use 4 card. This might be a usefull card....
But last things, Youmu strongest spell 空観剣「六根清浄斬」 i did not test on the attack increse yet, but if i just calculate by that damage when in the Spell power up weather and the highest attack +40%......
7731 * 140% = 10823
Almost one hit kill already.
Lets say also add on the defense -28% that opponent also using the same things.
7731 * 168% = 12988
This really is one hit kill = _ =
Hope one day i can see this 12988 crazy damage or similar one hit kill damage by myself..... LOL
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Touhou Hisoutensoku system card
Game Review / Feeling,
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