東方 非想天則
Touhou Hisoutensoku
Touhou Hisoutensoku
Just start to play this yesterday night ~
As usual, want to post somethings about this ~
Hisoutensoku can see as expansion of the Touhou 10.5 東方緋想天.
List some new things is Hisoutensoku
- - 5 new useable character
- 6 new weather
- 5 new stage
- 16 new system card
- new spell and skill card for all SWR character
- can have 4 deck setting for a profile
- other

New usable character
If want to use all the character in SWR, need to have the SWR game in the computer.
And really better to have the SWR game to have all the total 20 character, plus all character having new spell and skill card, some kind of waste if did not use them = _ =.

Character Select
The game system is almost the same with the SWR, so dont need to worry when swithicing from SWR to Soku.
Now I just started the game, having a lot of card that need to unlock.
But now , i only have try and use the new character in story mode and for testing only, other time i all using Youmu to unlock her card.
I really dont know how to use others character besides Youmu now = _ =, LOL.
Will post something about Youmu in SWR and Soku later.
Lest end with Youmu Powerfull new spell pic~

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