And today morning try to play again, the connection is better so i can play with the people in the Addressupdater ~
But even the most smooth host i have connected till having some little delay(some very very small delay), here impossible to get a none delay match that connect to Japan, today connection i have is very good already.
The is the first time i play Hisountesoku in Addressupdater,
and before this SWR, i already long time did not play in Addressupdater, atleast about half year.
And today game play in Addressupdater.
Start to play at 7am, and play until 10.20am, have play total 39 match.
In the game i did not use my Normal profile name, ANDA.
But just simply use the profile name , 22, and 222.
I scare i will keep on very lag in the game, LOL, but actually dont have any related between this two things at all.. = _ =
And the character i use, all match go with Youmu.
Play with different player is really fun ~~ different style and LV ~
Some player that i dont have have chance to win and some player that is opposite, LOL.
Youmu's 6C and 憑坐の縛 really become more difficult to use in game, need to be more carefull in the time of using it otherwise only will give opponent to attack, and the combo that involve this two also become more difficult to use that SWR. I cant continue the combo many times in the match = =.
For finding the better connection host, i just copy address and try connect to it, if cant connect in a short time than i just cancel it.
Not good at all to connected to the server and found out the connection is not good and leave the game, people will very mad on it.
Repete again = =, VS Player is so fun ~ and some times easy to addict in it, LOL.
Addressupdater is very good, but my place here dont have very smooth connection to connect to japan. That is not good to both player. I hope here can have smooth and good connection ....
Hmm, did Malaysia having any place that can let Hisoutensoku and SWR player to put thier server address?

The replay for all the game today i have save.
Good reference for game and also having fun in looking on them, lol.